28 November 2007

Work Gets Increasingly Frustrating

I love ECDC. I really do. I love my job as well. However, as the time gets nearer and nearer to the end of the semester (and of me working there), I am getting increasingly frustrated with my job. The gender conformity enforced in the education of youngsters infuriates me currently, and being in the closet makes me angry. Why on earth would I be in the closet, you ask. Well, primarily, I believe they would fire me if I weren't. Anyway, in some ways I am treated like regular staff (instead of a college student) because I work essentially half-time. And as such, I am the only one a) not in a relationship and b) without a husband or boyfriend, unless you count my facebook relationship with a male friend.

The point is, I'm ready to be done.

21 November 2007

Latke Hamantash Symposium - 61st Edition

This year's debate lived up to my expectations, but did not exceed them. In terms of numbers, there were two in favor of the latke, two in favor of the hamantash, approximately. Although all the speakers put forth good (although primarily fallacious) arguments, I was especially impressed with Alberto Simpser, who explained that election fraud contributed to the latke's perpetual win of the vote count. He stated that the Latke Lobby is in the business of not only setting the agenda of the debate, but also of intimidation of the voters, similar to states like Iraq (under Hussein, I assume) and cities like Chicago.

Anyway, the point is, I had fun.

14 November 2007


NUJLS Conference 2008 registration is up and running! Check out the link.

03 November 2007

National Novel Writing Month

I'm attempting National Novel Writing Month, not expecting to succeed. My hope is that it will improve my rough draft skills.