09 February 2006

Further Fanning of the Flames will not Force out the Fire

Ok, so I had a little fun with that title. However, this entry is quite serious. I am very disappointed in my friends and acquaintances who have chosen to republish the cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad with a bomb in his turban. This sort of action very disrespectful of Muslim culture, which, like the idea of building a fence around the Torah, forbids any visual depiction of the Prophet Mohammad for fear that vision will become worshipped and revered instead of the Prophet himself. This cartoon not only depicts Mohammad but does so in a most disrespectful way. This cartoon is in many ways much like anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying cartoons which certainly anger most Jews. Choosing to republish it only adds to the angry atmosphere surrounding the cartoon.

Do not misunderstand me. I do not condone the violence which has spread across the Muslim world. Rather, I deplore it. However, I do not support anyone who intentionally or unitentionally incites violence or disrespects an entire culture.

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