Yay, project Gutenberg. Anyway, Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery is book 5A because this is not the first time I have read it. However, as I was going to read the second book of the series I decided to refresh myself on the first.
Anne of Green Gables is the story of Anne Shirley, an orphan who is taken in by two siblings who live in a house called Green Gables. They wanted a boy but Anne arrived by mistake. Nevertheless, they decide to keep her. The book follows our protagonist, indeed, our heroine, through the process of her growth. Although she gets into countless scrapes, her skills (practical and academic) improve, and her character as a good person develops. We also see her form loving relationships with others. The character development is unusually high for a children's novel, the plot is interesting, and the writing is superb. Recommended for kids and adults with them.
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